Sunday 4 November 2012

Cultural Expectations And Codes Of Behaviour

In the film '300' directed by Zack Snyder, a code of behaviour portrayed in the film is Queen Gorgo's request for Leonidas to "Come back with your shield, or on it." This was practised by the Greeks and means for a solider to come home from war victorious (with his shield) or to die a 'glourious death' on the battlefield (on his shield). In the film the Spartan solider Stelios explains to an Arcadian solider why he laughs at the immense size of the Persian fleet. "Arcadian, I've fought countless times, yet I've never met an adversary who could offer me what we Spartans call "A Beautiful Death." I can only hope, with all the world's warriors gathered against us, there might be one down there who's up to the task." Stelios hopes to come home on his shield, rather then on it. This was presumably included in the film to assign the Spartans a sense of hounor and valour. “Such was the number of the barbarians, that when they shot forth their arrows the sun would be darkened by their multitude." Dieneces, not at all frightened at these words, but making light of the Median numbers, answered "Our Trachinian friend brings us excellent tidings. If the Medes darken the sun, we shall have our fight in the shade.
― Herodotus The Histories
This quote from 'Herodotus The Histories' once again exemplifies the sense of valour held by the Spartans.
 This is the scene from '300' in which (to a degree) Stelios makes a quote from the 'Histories'.

 Another code of behaviour exhibited by characters in the film is that of the Spartan Warrior, the film has a large emphasis on this as shown in '300' when King Leonidas asks several Arcadian soldiers to state their professions. Leonidas then turns to his own Spartan soldiers and asks them, "Spartans! What is Your Profession?" They reply with a loud warrior cry, indicating that they are soldiers by trade. This was probably emphasised so heavily in the film to draw a larger male audience. (in uncultured countries such as America)

                                This is shown here in this scene from the film.

A cultural expectation portrayed in the film '300' occurs during the scene previous to the one above. The leader of the Arcadian militia questions the number of Spartan troops."But you bring this small group of men, against Xerxes army, I would have expected Sparta's contribution to at least match our own.” This shows a cultural expectation, as the Arcadian believes the Spartans would have a larger force then the one they brung to the battle, this is because the Spartan culture exihibits many military customs and ideals, the Arcadian expected that Sparta, a military culture would have a large military contribution to the Battle Of Thermopylae. This is included in the film as it once again emphasises the military/warrior nature of Sparta, this is aimed towards the male audience of the film.

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